

En esta página, encontrarás todos los documentos, paquetes y tarjetas que ofrece el vendedor daniellebarrett.


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3 Comentarios recibidos

14 artículos

CMN 10 Class/Reading Notes and Exam Study Guides

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A full package including all the lecture/video notes and reading notes covered in class and in the textbook, as well as a midterm and final study guide. Any gaps in Weekly notes documents are from weeks without lecture or when there was no content covered due to exams. Basically, a concise package of everything you need to now to succeed in CMN 10

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  • Lote
  •  • 4 artículos • 
  • por daniellebarrett • 
  • subido  25-12-2022
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CMN 10 Week 4 Notes

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An all-encompassing summary of all content covered across lectures, videos, and textbook reading in Week 4 of CMN. Concise and organized by lecture/chapter. If you don't have time to do readings/watch lectures, these notes provide all the information you need to answer questions, complete homework, write papers, and do well on exams.

i x
  •  Book
  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 16 páginas • 
  • por daniellebarrett • 
  • subido  25-12-2022
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CMN 10 Week 7 Notes

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An all-encompassing summary of all content covered across lectures, videos, and textbook reading in Week 7 of CMN. Concise and organized by lecture/chapter. If you don't have time to do readings/watch lectures, these notes provide all the information you need to answer questions, complete homework, write papers, and do well on exams.

i x
  •  Book
  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 14 páginas • 
  • por daniellebarrett • 
  • subido  25-12-2022
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CMN 10 Week 8 Notes

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An all-encompassing summary of all content covered across lectures, videos, and textbook reading in Week 8 of CMN. Concise and organized by lecture/chapter. If you don't have time to do readings/watch lectures, these notes provide all the information you need to answer questions, complete homework, write papers, and do well on exams.

i x
  •  Book
  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 13 páginas • 
  • por daniellebarrett • 
  • subido  25-12-2022
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CMN 10 Week 9 Notes

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An all-encompassing summary of all content covered across lectures, videos, and textbook reading in Week 9 of CMN. Concise and organized by lecture/chapter. If you don't have time to do readings/watch lectures, these notes provide all the information you need to answer questions, complete homework, write papers, and do well on exams.

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 12 páginas • 
  • por daniellebarrett • 
  • subido  25-12-2022
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CMN 10 Week 10 Notes

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An all-encompassing summary of all content covered across lectures, videos, and textbook reading in Week 10 of CMN. Concise and organized by lecture/chapter. If you don't have time to do readings/watch lectures, these notes provide all the information you need to answer questions, complete homework, write papers, and do well on exams.

i x
  •  Book
  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 18 páginas • 
  • por daniellebarrett • 
  • subido  25-12-2022
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