TEST BANK ENGLISH Güvən nəşriyyatı

Chamberlian School of Nursing

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Exam (elaborations) TEST BANK ENGLISH Güvən nəşriyyatı
  • Exam (elaborations) TEST BANK ENGLISH Güvən nəşriyyatı

  • Examen • 288 páginas • 2021
  • [Simple/Derivative/Compound Nouns] 1. Choose the line of derivative nouns. A) sailor, railway, dictation, doctor B) movement, writer, kingdom, peace C) actress, driver, singer, tourism D) happiness, goods, childhood, computer E) beggar, pianist, difference, ice 2. Choose the line of compound nouns. 1. development, classmate, reality, schoolboy 2. book-case, policeman, playground, fruit-tree 3. story, friendship, fireplace, economy 4. sunset, man-servant, merry-go-round, editor-in-chi...
  • $29.49
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