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1 artículos

CPN Study Questions 1-100

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CPN Study Questions 1-100 A 6-week-old male infant is brought into the ED by his mother. He has a weeklong history of progressively worsening emesis that is projectile in nature. What is his most likely diagnosis? A. Intussusception. B. Appendicitis. C. Pyloric stenosis. D. Pancreatitis. - CORRECT ANSWER-C: Projectile vomiting in a 6 week-old male is the classic presentation for pyloric stenosis, obstruction of the pyloric sphincter between the gastric pylorus and the small intestine, cau...

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  • Examen
  •  • 28 páginas • 
  • por RobetoAcademics • 
  • subido  24-07-2023
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